About Us
KVSS & CO LLP formerly “KVSS & Company Company Secretaries LLP” is a Limited Liability Partnership firm registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, on May 29, 2015.
“KVSS & Co LLP” (“KVSS & Company”) is conceptualized by experienced Practicing Company Secretaries having over 15 years of experience and was originally registered as “KVSS & Company, Company Secretaries” a partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 on April 09, 2008.
KVSS & Co. comprises of professionals having multi-disciplinary skills and expertise over their respective areas of practice, and committed to offer corporate and legal services of highest standard.
An idea to provide to the clients - integrated solutions through diversified thoughts paved way to inception of KVSS & Company. The Partners envisaged consolidation of versatile skills to have a cutting edge in the dynamic consulting market.
The principle of our LLP firm is to add value to the Clients, Profession and Industry through ethical practices.
We Ideally Focus On:
- Willingness To Handle Challenging Tasks
- Cost-effective Services
- Resource Pooling
- Technical Skills
- Educational Programs
- Value Added Services
- Providing Preventive Options
- Personalized Approach To The Client
- Timely Execution
- Proactive Advice